Cundy Street Quarter

In April we submitted an addendum to the original application to respond to feedback from Ebury Street residents and WCC officers.
Summary of changes
In April 2021 we submitted an addendum to the original application to Westminster City Council detailing these changes, which can be summarised as follows:
- The top floor of Building A1 on Ebury Street/Mozart Terrace has been significantly set back.
- The floor-to-floor heights in Buildings A and C have been amended to reduce the overall height.
- One floor has been added on Cundy Street between Buildings A1 and A2, which is set back from the building edge.
- Some architectural details on Building A have been revised, such as the pitch of the roof and treatment of the roof pavilions.
- Five one-bed flats in Building B2/3 have been converted from Intermediate Rent to market housing.
This approach delivers very similar improvements to the levels of daylight and sunlight for existing properties as removing the whole top floor, but which would only result in the loss of five Affordable Homes (five one-bed flats at Intermediate Rent delivered in phase two) as opposed to fifteen.
The 44 new social rent homes, which were part of the original proposals, remain unaffected by these changes, giving Walden House residents the option to move straight into their new homes upon completion.

Amendments submitted in October 2020
After several workshops, online and in-person, with residents of Semley House between May and August 2020, we were pleased to be able to respond to the concerns raised by revising the proposals for Ebury Square Gardens through an addendum submitted in October 2020. These amendments proposed fewer structural changes, with the revised design working with the existing layout of the Gardens.
The changes proposed in October 2020 would:
- Introduce a variety of activity and play spaces for children of all ages, dispersed throughout the Gardens and away from Semley Place
- Retain the fountain in its existing central location and keep the commemorative benches as they are today
- Keep the paths in their existing arrangement but refurbished with semi-permeable surfaces to be more aesthetically pleasing and to allow rainwater to drain into the soil below
- Introduce more suitable and varied planting throughout the Gardens to improve biodiversity, offer greater seasonal interest and help tackle anti-social behaviour
- See Grosvenor take on the long-term management of the Gardens to enable better management of the space which for example will help revitalise the central lawns
Relocate cycle stands away from Semley Place

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