Cundy Street Quarter

We will minimise disruption caused by the construction and help every resident and occupier plan for this.
Information on this page relates to plans submitted by Grosvenor and approved by Westminster City Council in June 2021.
Lodha have acquired the first phase of the Cundy Street Quarter, which includes Building A (on the corner of Ebury St and Cundy St) and the affordable housing building (Building C on Ebury St). Read more here.
Contractor contact details
If you have any queries or suggestions please contact the site team on:
Patrick O’connor
Project Manager
07525 888 493
Meet the demolition contractor video
Download →
The anticipated demolition and construction programme for the proposed development is about seven years.
2022/early 2023
Demolition Commencement
Summer 2023
Construction of affordable homes commences
Late 2026
Demolition and construction works for phase 2 begins.
The Cundy Street Quarter is complete and open to everyone.
We recognise that the construction work will cause disruption in the area which we will take steps to minimise. The details of the Construction Management Plan can be found in FAQs. It will include, but is not limited to, the following commitments:
- Adopt a ‘Considerate Constructor’ approach and practices
- Adhere to Westminster’s Code of Construction Practice
- Give regular updates on planned construction activities
- Establish a Residents’ Liaison Group prior to construction
- Keep the development area and surrounding roads clean and tidy
- Ensure site access gates and construction vehicle access routes are easily identifiable with clear signage
- Utilise equipment that monitors noise, vibration and dust to set maximum limits and share results with resident groups
- Use modern construction techniques and methods (including pre-assembled building solutions) to ensure an efficient programme
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