Cundy Street Quarter

Proposals for the Cundy Street Quarter

Information on this page relates to plans submitted by Grosvenor and approved by Westminster City Council in June 2021.

A group of investors managed by Lodha UK have acquired the first phase of the Cundy Street Quarter, which includes Building A (on the corner of Ebury St and Cundy St) and the affordable housing building (Building C on Ebury St). Read more here


Overview of the submitted proposals and the mix of uses


More information on the buildings, key views and video flythrough

2021 amendments

More information on the April 2021 addendum

Environment and sustainability

Information on the new and improved public spaces, increased biodiversity and energy-efficient buildings

Management and servicing

Details on our approach to minimising anti-social behaviour as well as delivery and waste strategies

Planning documents

Access the documents as submitted to Westminster City Council

Overview of submitted proposals

High-quality housing for a mixed community

88 affordable homes, almost doubling the number currently on site.

Specialist senior living accommodation for up to 170 people and 75 market homes.

All homes would be built to modern standards, with the affordable homes an average of 50% larger than the existing flats with dedicated communal gardens and play spaces.

More sustainable buildings and a greener environment

New buildings would produce 94% less carbon in use than the existing ones *– equivalent to planting 3,500 trees per year.

58% reduction in carbon emissions over a 60-year period when you combine construction and operation of the buildings.*
65 additional trees & 56,000 sq ft of green space (equivalent to 20 tennis courts) and 27,000 sq ft of green & blue roofs.
* Comparing the same floor space like for like

Significant investment in the area and new jobs for local people

Local facilities, services and green spaces will benefit from a £20m CIL contribution.
Around 880 jobs and apprenticeships during construction, prioritised for Westminster residents, and up to 260 permanent new jobs will create opportunities when they are needed most.
An additional spend of up to £2.2m per year to support existing businesses.

Better public spaces and more local amenities

17 shops and amenities including a cinema, small food store and cafés and restaurants. See the ground floor plan.

A flexible community space designed with neighbours.
£10m invested into new and existing public spaces, including the revitalisation of Ebury Square Gardens providing much needed spaces for children to play.


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