Cundy Street Quarter

Planning application submitted to WCC
June 2020
Following more than a year of local engagement, three public consultations, an online exhibition and almost 2,500 responses, we have submitted the planning application for the Cundy Street Quarter to Westminster City Council (WCC). Thank you to everyone that participated and shared their ideas, which have helped shape the final proposals. We are genuinely grateful for your feedback.
You can see the full planning application here by entering the reference number 20/03307/FULL. The submitted documents can also be viewed here for ease of reference.
If you would like to see a hard copy of any of the documents just let us know at
The statutory consultation run by WCC is now live. We encourage you to take part in this important part of the process by commenting on the application. Please note that any comments made directly to Grosvenor will not be a formal response to the application. Any comments specifically in relation to the planning application (reference 20/03307/FULL) and associated Listed Building Consent (reference 20/03308/LBC) should be directed to Westminster City Council via the links below.
- Planning application (reference 20/03307/FULL) - Listed Building Consent (reference 20/03308/LBC)
The proposals in summary:
These plans will deliver a major increase in better-quality homes for the people of Westminster. The application is for 93 affordable homes, almost double the current number, as well as senior living for up to 170 people and 70 homes for sale. There would also be:
- More local amenities: Including a cinema, small food store, cafés, restaurants and a flexible community space designed with local neighbours.
- A greener environment with new public spaces: 65 additional trees and 56,000 sqft of green space across the neighbourhood, equivalent to the size of 20 tennis courts. Over £2 million would be invested in Ebury Square to improve the landscaping and introduce a new play area.
- More sustainable buildings that are cheaper for residents to run: Producing 90% less carbon – equivalent to planting 3,500 trees per year – and reducing water usage by up to 45%.
- Significant investment and economic benefits for the wider area: Additional household spend of up to £2.2 million per year to support existing businesses and £20 million contributed through the Community Infrastructure Levy.
- Employment opportunities for local people: Up to 260 jobs once completed and 125 jobs and apprenticeships during each year of construction, prioritised for Westminster residents.
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