Cundy Street Quarter
Sustainability and the Cundy Street Quarter
November 2019
As a business we have recently made stretching environmental sustainability commitments that not only govern how we, but also all our suppliers, prioritise becoming zero carbon, zero waste and investing in local biodiversity.
The Cundy Street Quarter is one of our first opportunities to see these commitments in action.
While we are looking to use the site more intensively, a typical home’s carbon footprint will be 40% less than it is today, reducing their impact on the environment but also making the new homes cheaper to run.
For example, a two bed flat in the new development will be significantly larger than one on site today. However, independent analysis shows that it would consume 75% less energy and 45% less water a year, leading to an expected 20% reduction in energy costs.
Across the site, our design proposals include blue roofs capturing and recycling 2.5 m litres of rainwater a year. Biodiversity will be significantly increased through greater greening including 3,400 sq m of green space, including 2,700 sq m of green roofs and c.70 additional trees.
Find out more about how this will be achieved and our approach to sustainable construction by visiting our public exhibition on 4, 5 and 7 December – details here. Or you can download the boards and provide online feedback on our site from 4 December.
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